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Isabelle Sathicq

Having graduated from ESSEC Business school in 1985, she started her professional life abroad (Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, London, Barcelona). Passionate about the impact of major transition periods on human destinies, she then founded two HR companies (Headhunting, Coaching & Outplacement). She has specialized in repositioning top executives in the job market. As a qualified executive coach, she also helps them find their own answers, improve their management power and build on their strong points.


As a networking expert, she is a speaker on the power of networking in all Alumni Associations of the major French Grandes Écoles (Polytechnique, ESSEC, Centrale, Arts et Métiers, Ecole des Mines, ESCP Europe, Ecole des Ponts, Institut Français de Gestion, Supelec,). She also publishes articles in major business magazines (Management, Capital). Isabelle has been an executive outplacement and coaching consultant for 22 years, working with top tier managers and senior executives.

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